CeF3 ファラデー結晶
Chemical Formula | CeF3 |
Density (g/cm3) | 6.16 |
Melting point (℃) | 1443 |
Refractive index @400nm | 1.62 |
Lattice Parameter | a=7.112Å |
Growth Method | Bridgman Stockbarger |
Transparency | >300nm |
Verdet Constant(450 nm) | 247 rad/T |
Verdet Constant(532 nm) | 180 rad/T |
Verdet Constant(633 nm) | 129 rad/T |
Verdet Constant(810 nm) | 63 rad/T |
Verdet Constant(980 nm) | 44 rad/T |
Verdet Constant(1075 nm) | 33 rad/T |
Verdet Constant(1310 nm) | 10 rad/T |
Verdet Constant(1940 nm) | 10.1 rad/T |
Laser Host Material,Emission Wavelength | CeF3 Crystal,V [rad/Tm] (L45 [mm]) |
Tm:silica fiber, 1.86 µm | – 9.2 ± 0.1 (∼53.2) |
Tm:germanate fiber, 1.90 µm | – 8.7 ± 0.1 (∼56.5) |
Tm:silica fiber, 1.94 µm | – 8.2 ± 0.1 (∼60.0) |
Tm:YAG, 2.01 µm | – 7.4 ± 0.1 (∼66.5) |
Ho:YLF, 2.05 µm | – 7.0 ± 0.1 (∼70.5) |
Ho:YAG, 2.10 µm | – 6.5 ± 0.1 (∼75.9) |
Tm:YLF, 2.30 µm | – 4.8 ± 0.1 (∼102.2) * 185 ± 15 (∼4.2) |
An L45 length of a magneto-optical element needed for a 45-degree polarization plane rotation is specifified in the brackets for all of the investigated materials.
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CeF3 emission curve |
CeF3 transmission curve |
◆ 高いベルデ定数 (35 Rad T-1m-1)
◆ 低い光損失 (<0.1%/cm)
◆ 高いレーザー損傷閾値 (>1GW/cm2)
◆ 高いベルデ定数(48 radT-1m-1 @1064nm)
◆ 低吸収(<3000 ppm/cm @1064nm)
◆ 高いベルデ定数
◆ 優れた化学的耐久性
◆ 520~1400nm にて 高い透明性